What is the Pier Cove Ravine Trust?
The Pier Cove Ravine Trust was formed May 26, 1973 as a Michigan Trust Corporation to maintain and preserve the property (approximately 70 acres) as defined in the trust document and is managed through the trustees. The trust came about through the efforts of several property owners including the heirs of Mr. O. C. Simonds.
The trust is a non profit Michigan corporation administered by a board of five trustees and the president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. The officers are selected by the Board of Trustees. The business of the corporation is conducted by the officers under the direction of the Board of Trustees. Dues paying members of the corporation have advisory rights in business meetings and enjoy the rights and privileges of Ravine use under the established rules

Dedicated to Mr. O. C. Simonds:
whose foresight and effort created The Pier Cove Ravine.